The rough map below was created using a Lowrance recording Fishfinder with GPS (pertinent data stripped from .slg file and converted to excel, data located here) . Lake depths will vary over the course of the year depending on rainfall etc.
Clear Lake has an uneven bottom contour, presumably due to the placement of the pipes during pumping. The deepest part of the lake is directly south of the north shore, with depth up to 40 feet. The shallowest part is on a small hump approximately 20 yards north of the south shore. Depth at this point can be as little as 5 feet, depending on lake level. The northwest and southwest coves are usually ~ 20-25 feet deep. Average depth is around 14 feet.
Map below was an attempt to overlay depth data on google earth image. Actual bottom on east side would be extended closer to east beaches.
Currently 2 aerators are operating to help increase the dissolved oxygen and overall lake conditions. Aerator setup was recently improved by Terry Boss in order to increase durability and effectiveness.
The picture below is of the north aerator.